District Rates 2016/2017
November 2016 NEW DISTRICT RATES FOR 2016/17 – The CIBCSD Board approved new rates for water, sewer and trash services on August 09, 2016. This current billing will be the first billing cycle that the customers will see those rates as described in the Proposition 218 Notices that were mailed to customers on June 23, 2016.
IMPORTANT NOTE*** As part of the new rates the District implemented sewer usage charges. These charges are based on the amount of metered potable watered delivered to your property and a calculated amount of that water that will return to the sewer system through toilets, showers, dish washing and other internal uses.
The rates are published on the District website and available for review.
By conserving water, customers can minimize the impact the new rates will have on their monthly bill for both their water and sewer charges.
Please click Rate Sheet below for more information:
Rate sheet 2016-2017.pdf